Standard post

Posts are what make your blog a blog — they’re servings of content that are listed in reverse chronological order on your blog’s front page (you can change the default order to list posts chronologically using.

Posts are always associated with a date, which is included in the URL. Sometimes, posts are confused with pages. See Post vs. Page for an explanation of the differences.

Publish a New Post

There are several ways to publish new posts. The easiest way is with the New Post button on the right side of the toolbar (it appears at the top of your screen when you’re logged in to WordPress.com).

You can put any kind of content you’d normally publish in a post in any of the post formats, but they were designed with particular kinds of content in mind:

  • Standard is the default post format, your everyday blog post. You can also add video, images, galleries, and whatever else you would like to a regular Text post.
  • Photo is intended for single image posts — a quick snap of lunch or your cat.
  • Video is for, well, videos.
  • Quote highlights your blockquoted text in a bolder way than standard posts typically do.
  • Link is for those days when you just want to share a link to a fantastic article you read.
  • Aside for brief snippets of text that aren’t quite whole blog posts, such as quick thoughts and anecdotes.
  • Gallery for (you guessed it) galleries.
  • Status for a quick update about what you are doing right now.
  • Audio for your favorite tunes or podcasts.
  • Chat to highlight memorable conversations you have with friends, both on- and offline.

What if you love the look of your theme’s Video post format, but you want to use it to highlight a gallery? Go for it! There are no rules here, only guidelines.


Standard post Posts are what make your blog a blog… Standard post Posts are what make your blog a blog…

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